Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hello. I am Acelegin, and this is a work of fiction written by me. I had the idea for this story a long time ago after reading an article of Darksiders 2 in an issue Game Informer magazine. However, I didn't do anything with said idea. Many months passed, and I became a member of the Fear Mythos. Then many more months passed, and I had the following thought; "Hey, what if I combined that Horsemen idea I had a while back with aspects of the Fear Mythos, and use my own badass interpretations of the Fears like Rapture does". So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

This story will involve the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse. I also plan to steal ideas from Darksiders as much as I legally can. Please don't sue me.

Now, enjoy this thing I wrote;

When the end comes, the Horsemen shall ride.

The first Horseman, riding a white steed, shall come first. He is Conquest, the almighty conquerer. The fires of conquest shall burn wherever he goes.

He shall be followed by War, upon his red horse. He puts the greatest military strategist to shame, and even the stormclouds answer to his battle cry.

Rage shall ride next, on the curulean horse. As he rides, the Earth shall tremble from the anger of all mankind.

Finally, Death shall ride on his pale horse, and the chill of death shall freeze the land.

And after they have brought Hell to Earth, they shall each take a corner of the world, and fold it in upon itself.

The world shall come to an end.

The Horsemen shall ride.

And Hell shall follow after.

This is my own recreation of that thing I read in the bible. This will come up occasionally in the story.

You may be wondering why I replaced Famine with Rage. There's an explanation for that which will be revealed eventually. Also, Darksiders got away with it, so I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to.

Now, I'm kind of debating whether or not I should end posts on this blog with music. I do that all the time on my personal blog. This isn't my personal blog, but it's on the same blogger account, so I'm not sure if I should. Oh God, this decision is stressing me out! I need to clear my head. I think listening to music my help. I'm gonna go do that. You guys should listen to music too. Here. have some music;

Oh crap, I just posted music here, didn't I?

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